Optimiza tu proceso de embalaje

El software de optimización del embalaje 3DBP te ayuda a elegir la caja adecuada para cada envío

Hey! I am PackMate

I'm here to assist you with our advanced algorithms, enabling you to optimize your company's operations for enhanced speed and efficiency.

I’ll find the best tool in a second

Give us the insight into your case - let’s start!

Which loading space do you have available?


What’s your optimization goal?


What’s your optimization goal?

The Tool to fit your business needs

Pack a Shipment

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Try Out Box Sizes

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Check Max Load

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Stack Pallets

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Find a Missing Dimension

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potential of this tool.
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The Tool to fit your business needs

Find a Box Size

Check out the demo and reveal the full
potential of this tool.
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<0.1 segundo
El tiempo medio para un cálculo
340+ millones
Cálculos hechos con 3DBP
30 países
Nuestras herramientas se utilizan en todo el mundo
1 hora
El tiempo de respuesta por correo electrónico

Inicia una prueba de 14 días del software 3DBinPacking: sin necesidad de tarjeta de crédito.
Luego elige el plan adecuado para ti.
Todas las herramientas están disponibles en cada uno de los planes de suscripción.

In the past we had to wait for a shipping quote for about a day. Now 3DBP provides this information within seconds. And We don't have
to ask warehousemen which boxes to use for a given order.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
I used to have to write an equation to get these UPS quantities, for our new items every time a new item would come in. And it was very manual and time consuming, but now with 3DBinPacking,
it probably saves myself 2 to 3 hours a day of work.
Brett Van Vreede
Now with 3DBP it's much easier because we insert the data about the products and the standard boxes and get the information about the optimal boxes right away.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
Based on the information we get from 3DBP about optimal boxes
to use, Venus Remedies was able to estimate the cost of shipping based on its contract with the shipping provider, resulting in a cost reduction of up to 40%.
Saransh Chaudhary
Venus Remedies
3DBP saves a huge amount of time because you're not required
to wait for somebody to get the order. It allows anybody to ship. It's not just the guy who knows how to ship. It's now anybody can ship!
Nicholas Smith
Alert Labs
Not only we can give 100% accurate estimation, but we can also detect errors on each courier monthly bills, pinpointing each
and every one with precision.
Javier Guerrero Garcia
Spot Model
Our shipping costs dropped by 15%. An experienced packer can now handle 19% more packages per day. We were surprised ourselves that there was such a big difference.
Magnus Johansson
In the past we had to wait for a shipping
quote for about a day. Now 3DBP provides
this information within seconds.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
I used to have to write an equation to get
UPS quantities for new items. It was very
time consuming, but now with
3DBinPacking, it probably saves myself 2-3
hours a day of work
Brett Van Vreede
Now with 3DBP it's much easier because we
insert the data about the products
and the standard boxes and get the
information about the optimal boxes right
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
Based on the information we get from 3DBP, we
was able to estimate the cost of shipping based
on its contract with the shipping provider,
resulting in a cost reduction of up to 40%.
Saransh Chaudhary
Venus Remedies
3DBP saves a huge amount of time because you're
not required to wait for somebody to get the
order. It allows anybody to ship. It's not just the
guy who knows how to ship. It's now anybody can
Nicholas Smith
Alert Labs
Not only we can give 100% accurate estimation,
but we can also detect errors on each courier
monthly bills, pinpointing each and every one
with precision.
Javier Guerrero Garcia
Spot Model
Our shipping costs dropped by 15%.
An experienced packer can now handle 19% more
per day. We were surprised ourselves
that there was such a big difference.
Magnus Johansson
3DBP saves a huge amount of time because you're not required
to wait for somebody to get the order. It allows anybody to ship. It's not just the guy who knows how to ship. It's now anybody can ship!
Nicholas Smith
Alert Labs
Not only we can give 100% accurate estimation, but we can also detect errors on each courier monthly bills, pinpointing each
and every one with precision.
Javier Guerrero Garcia
Spot Model
Our shipping costs dropped by 15%. An experienced packer can now handle 19% more packages per day. We were surprised ourselves that there was such a big difference.
Magnus Johansson
In the past we had to wait for a shipping quote for about a day. Now 3DBP provides this information within seconds. And We don't have
to ask warehousemen which boxes to use for a given order.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
I used to have to write an equation to get these UPS quantities, for our new items every time a new item would come in. And it was very manual and time consuming, but now with 3DBinPacking,
it probably saves myself 2 to 3 hours a day of work.
Brett Van Vreede
Now with 3DBP it's much easier because we insert the data about the products and the standard boxes and get the information about the optimal boxes right away.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
Based on the information we get from 3DBP about optimal boxes
to use, Venus Remedies was able to estimate the cost of shipping based on its contract with the shipping provider, resulting in a cost reduction of up to 40%.
Saransh Chaudhary
Venus Remedies
3DBP saves a huge amount of time because you're
not required to wait for somebody to get the
order. It allows anybody to ship. It's not just the
guy who knows how to ship. It's now anybody can
Nicholas Smith
Alert Labs
Not only we can give 100% accurate estimation,
but we can also detect errors on each courier
monthly bills, pinpointing each and every one
with precision.
Javier Guerrero Garcia
Spot Model
Our shipping costs dropped by 15%.
An experienced packer can now handle 19% more
per day. We were surprised ourselves
that there was such a big difference.
Magnus Johansson
In the past we had to wait for a shipping
quote for about a day. Now 3DBP provides
this information within seconds.
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
I used to have to write an equation to get
UPS quantities for new items. It was very
time consuming, but now with
3DBinPacking, it probably saves myself 2-3
hours a day of work
Brett Van Vreede
Now with 3DBP it's much easier because we
insert the data about the products
and the standard boxes and get the
information about the optimal boxes right
Douglas Mesquita
Bio Art
Based on the information we get from 3DBP, we
was able to estimate the cost of shipping based
on its contract with the shipping provider,
resulting in a cost reduction of up to 40%.
Saransh Chaudhary
Venus Remedies
Software 3DBinPacking
¿Por qué 3DBP es la solución que necesitas?

Empaca un envío

Optimiza tu embalaje - por número de cajas, utilización de espacio o coste

Apila palés

Optimiza cómo empacar tus palés y reducir tu número para el transporte y el almacenamiento

Encuentra una dimensión faltante

Calcula las medidas y el área que utilizará tu embalaje

Encuentra un tamaño de la caja

Maximiza el uso del espacio y calcula el tamaño de la caja para tu embalaje

Prueba el tamaño de la caja

Compara los artículos de embalaje en cajas o espacios de embalaje de diferentes tamaños

Verifica la carga máxima

Verifica exactamente cuántos artículos llenarán una caja o espacio de embalaje a tu capacidad
Software 3DBinPacking
El software de optimización 3DBinPacking es el software más rápido y más preciso del mercado
Empaca tus productos en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, ¡literalmente! La mayoría de nuestros cálculos de embalaje toman solo unos pocos milisegundos.

Nuestro objetivo es calcular tus resultados lo más rápido posible y hemos mejorado la velocidad hasta en un 80% en los últimos años.

Tu cliente lo experimentará con actualizaciones en tiempo real a medida que agreguen y retiren los artículos de su carrito de pedido.

Preciso y confiable
Empacar es un arte. Se trata de hacerlo bien. Una y otra vez.

Los cálculos precisos simulados se traducen en una optimización inigualable.

Ahorra en material y tiempo costosos. Estresate menos y dirija tu enfoque y energía para hacer crecer tu empresa.

Fácil de usar
Nuestro software de optimización de embalaje es intuitivo y fácil de usar.

Familiarísate con el sistema con la ayuda de consejos Pro.

No se requiere conocimiento técnico previo. Cualquiera puede usar el software 3DBP.

Socialmente responsable
Da un paso considerable para reducir tu huella de CO2 con una planificación de carga óptima.

Menos cajas significan menos pliegues, material, energía y combustibles utilizados.

Usa las herramientas de 3DBinPacking para tu conveniencia, así como para reducir la contaminación en el planeta y construir un mundo mejor para las futuras generaciones.

Enfoque orientado al cliente
Nos gusta pensar en nosotros mismos como socios y colaboradores en tu negocio.

Todos nuestros planes incluyen acceso gratuito a cada herramienta 3DBP, diseñada y perfeccionada gracias a los comentarios de los clientes.

Te informaremos cuándo tu plan no es óptimo para tu negocio. Apoyamos nuestro sistema, y te damos la garantía que cambiará tu manera de empacar por completo. ¿Conoces alguna otra compañía que haga eso?

Nuestro equipo está trabajando continuamente en aplicaciones nuevas y mejoras, a las que tendrás acceso como nuestro cliente.

Inicia una prueba de 14 días del software 3DBinPacking: sin necesidad de tarjeta de crédito.
Luego elige el plan adecuado para ti.
Todas las herramientas están disponibles en cada uno de los planes de suscripción.