Shipping supplies products to B2B
and B2C customers throughout North America
and Mexico
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Shipping optimization for shipping supplies
Shipping optimization for shipping supplies

Uline is a shipping supplies distributor. We specialize in the shipping supplies industry, such as tape, boxes, foam, bubble wrap, etc.

They have an 850+ page catalog that contains over 41,000 packaging, shipping, industrial and janitorial products to businesses and directly to customers.

Why were we wasting our time?
Manually calculating the shipping costs for new items in the inventory

Before 3DBP it was very time-consuming to add new items when they were added to Uline’s inventory. The office staff would have the items measured and manually calculate the number that would fit in each type of box they had available for shipping.

How long it would take for us to estimate shipping costs to our customers. That used to be a pretty manual process.

We used to have to write an equation to get these UPS bundle quantities for our new items every time a new item would come in. And it was very manual and time-consuming.

Pack a shipment tool
Pack a shipment tool
Optimizing the boxes bundled together in a shipment

We use the Pack a Shipment tool and optimizes by Maximum Space Utilization. When a new order is received, we use 3DBP to calculate how to optimally fit the items into the available box sizes so that they can bundle them together for UPS delivery.

Knowing how to optimally send orders has sped up the process of providing shipping costs to customers and saved hours a day in the office.

Since we've been able to set our bundle quantities straight, it's been a big win for us.

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2-3 hours a day saved!
3DBP makes daily work much easier


We can save two to three hours a day of work that have been freed up to do other things.

We were able to take on like a lot more responsibility throughout the company too, as well. So it's been really beneficial.


We use 3DBP to calculate all the shipping costs before the order even gets to the warehouse.

The speed and accuracy of the tool is phenomenal.

Our savings
Our savings
Flawless work

We have zero complaints. It has been a huge help for us.

3DBP tells us which items cannot fit. That's a big benefit to us. Packing visualization is also super beneficial for us.