We specialize in luxury bathrooms, shipping
hundreds of products every day
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Bulky and fragile items shipped securely

Founded and headquartered in San Francisco, Gatco has been a celebrated solution in luxury bath hardware for decades, and 2023 marks their 46th year in business.

As a bathroom accessories company they have many differently sized and fragile items the need to ship to their customers through multiple vendors.

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Wanting to know what item went in which box and itemized shipping labels

Resolving customer issues was difficult when the company didn’t know exactly how boxes were packed and which item went into which box.

GS1-128 shipping labels list the contents of each box – this was difficult to do with the existing processes.

Preparing up to 300 orders a day, these issues needed to be resolved for the company and the customers.

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Pack a shipment API
Automatically itemized shipping labels for each box

Gatco are able to use the 3DBP Pack a Shipment API to find the best box to utilize the box volume, optimize and organize what goes in each box and how to pack it, and print out the itemized GS1-128 shipping label.

Gatco also use 3DBP for freight quoting – knowing ahead of time how the order might be packed so that they can give the customer an accurate quote.

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Learning faster, packing better
The benefits observed


The learning curve for new workers is a lot lower because they no longer have to figure out how to pack packages for shipment.


Costs are saved utilizing fewer boxes and optimized packing. It will make freight cheaper because you know we're using the least amount of boxes in utilizing the most space.
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Automating all the processes

Leave nothing to chance through automation of key processes through your ordering and shipping processes. 3DBP is the tool that completes your digital acceleration and transformation process.

To reduce the number of boxes, reach maximum space utilization to reduce costs, to automate as much as we can of course – every single thing.